Openstack Keystone Identity Management

,HereisthelistofallofficialOpenStackprojectteams,whichproducethevariousdeliverablesoftheOpenStackfamily(orhelpotherteamsachievethat ...,LearnaboutOpenStackprojects,whatpurposetheycanserveinyourcloud,andwhatotherprojectsyouwillneedtousethem.,OpenS...。參考影片的文章的如下:


OpenStack Project Teams

Here is the list of all official OpenStack project teams, which produce the various deliverables of the OpenStack family (or help other teams achieve that ...

What Are The Projects That Make Up OpenStack?

Learn about OpenStack projects, what purpose they can serve in your cloud, and what other projects you will need to use them.


OpenStack is an open source cloud computing infrastructure software project and is one of the three most active open source projects in the world.

Open Source Software Community Projects

OpenStack is an open source software project for creating private and public clouds, powering 75 public cloud data centers and thousands of private clouds at a ...

What is an OpenStack project

A project is a isolated group of zero or more users who share common access with specific privileges to the software instance in OpenStack. A project is created ...

Chapter 6. Managing projects

A project is a pool of shared virtual resources, to which you can assign OpenStack users and groups. You can configure the quota of shared virtual resources in ...

Openstack Projects

Openstack Projects has 12 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.


,HereisthelistofallofficialOpenStackprojectteams,whichproducethevariousdeliverablesoftheOpenStackfamily(orhelpotherteamsachievethat ...,LearnaboutOpenStackprojects,whatpurposetheycanserveinyourcloud,andwhatotherprojectsyouwillneedtousethem.,OpenStackisanopensourcecloudcomputinginfrastructuresoftwareprojectandisoneofthethreemostactiveopensourceprojectsintheworld.,OpenStackisanopensourcesoftware...